
NDI ® Waveform Vectorscope Audio/Video Monitor

ndiScope software provides a real time, professional quality signal analysis tool for on set, production, post production, and research and development environments. ndiScope is designed to monitor NDI signals from SD up to 1080p60 HD and everything in between.


ossupport2   Windows 7 or greater, macOS 13 Ventura - macOS 14 Sonoma


View up to 6 scopes at once


CIE XY Gamut

HSV Histogram

RGB Waveform Monitor

YCbCr Waveform Monitor

Status View

...and so much more!

ndiScope provides HD image analysis with support for 601 and 709 color spaces.  Multiple audio and video scopes can be selected in a variety of layouts depending on your monitoring needs.  For SMPTE 2110/2022 monitoring, please see our 2110Scope and for 4K/UHD/HDR monitoring, please see our 4KScope/HDRScope.

Network Video Analyzer MainUI

ndiScope can display up to six video, data, or audio scopes at one time with pixel accurate 16 bit precision. ndiScope is ideal for HD mastering, DIT and broadcast monitoring, signal QC and remote monitoring. It is available as software, or a 1U hardware device, for Windows and macOS.


Video Scopes

Vectorscope, Waveform Luma, Waveform RGB, Waveform YCbCr, Histogram RGB, Histogram Luma, Chromaticity, Status

Audio Scopes

Audio Vectorscope, Audio Waveform, Audio Histogram, Audio Phase, Audio Meters in RMS or Loudness

Picture Modes

Red only, Green only, Blue only, Luma only, Zebra luma, Zebra chroma, Clipping, Edge difference, Focus assist, Flip/flop, False color, Opacity, Luma key, Greenscreen/chroma key

Advanced Features

Capture Board Support, 8/10/12 bit processes as 16 bit, zoom and pan, user markers, signal compare, frame capture and more.

Main Use Cases

  • HD monitoring and validating
  • SD/HD monitoring, live production
  • DIT pipelines
  • Broadcast monitoring
  • Remote network monitoring
  • Post production
  • Signal QC and final HD mastering

Available Upgrades

  • 4KScope
    • 4K and QHD Support
    • 16 channel audio support
    • Front Panel Support
    • Web interface for monitoring and configuration
    • REST API
    • H/S Scope for ChromaDuMonde
    • High/Low Waveform
    • RGB Overlay Waveform
    • Error Logging
  • 2110Scope
    • All 4KScope features
    • Network packet timing and chart
    • 10G/25G/100G NIC support
    • SMPTE 2110 and 2022
  • videoQC
    • File based scope set same as 4KScope
    • Single sided analysis
    • Full reference analysis
Vectorscope - Color accurate graticules automatically switch between SD (601) and HD (709) color spaces. The markers include color points (for standard bar checks) at 75% and 100% saturation and optional colored scope. All the standard points are boxed; red, magenta, blue, cyan, green and yellow. A skin tone/flesh line is provided to allow for easy hue adjustment as well as diagonals.
Waveform YCbCr - Displays the levels of the Y, Cb and Cr from the left of the picture to the right of the picture with all the lines summed into one graph. The Y, or luma/luminance, graph provides accurate white and black level information, as well as the range in between.
Waveform Luma - Displays the overall intensity of the picture. Standard 601/709 levels are supported.
Waveform YCbCr Parade - Displays the levels of the Y, Cb and Cr from the left of the picture to the right of the picture with all the lines summed into one graph. The Y, or luma/luminance, graph provides accurate white and black level information, as well as the range in between.
Waveform RGB - The RGB Waveform Monitor shows each of the red, green and blue signals as independent graphs, displaying the RGB, or chrominance/color values associated with the signal. Above is the stacked waveform, a parade waveform is also available.
Waveform RGB Parade - The RGB Waveform Monitor shows each of the red, green and blue signals as independent graphs, displaying the RGB, or chrominance/color values associated with the signal. Above is the parade waveform, a stacked waveform is also available.
Histogram YCbCr - The Histogram YCbCr / YUV scope displays the luminance, and both chroma signals stacked top to bottom. Y is the luma component and Cb and Cr are the blue-difference and red-difference chroma components.
Histogram Luma - The Luma Histogram shows the distribution of luminance within the signal as a series of discrete bars that make a continuous graph. This display provides an overview of the tonal range of each color in the picture.
Histogram RGB - The Histogram RGB scope displays each of the R, G, and B (red, green, and blue) channel values stacked top to bottom. RGB color space is directly represented; equivalent values are generated for other color spaces.
Histogram HSV - The HSV (Hue/Saturation/Value) Histogram shows the distribution of hue (which color appears most prominent) in the top row, the saturation level (how much gray in each particular color) in the center, and the value (luminance, or how light or dark the signal appears) in the bottom row.
CIE XY Gamut - The CIE XY Gamut, or chromaticity, scope provides a visual representation of the color in a video across all the colors of visible light. For a particular YCbCr range a triangle can be superimposed to show the colors that fall within the acceptable range and those that are outside it. The color of the trace can be white, black, or the chromaticity hued background.
Status - The Status view presents real time data on the overall signal in terms of gamut, maximum and minimum chroma and luma, audio levels and MaxFALL/MaxCLL for HDR signals. Any issues detected by the status panel are automatically entered in the log file and window with time, type, source and reason.
Data View - The Data view allows access to the raw pixel values being monitored on the HDMI or SDI input. Raw values are captured and displayed with no manipulation by the software. This mode is perfect for checking vertical blank signalling and metadata, as well as picture issues like inner line sync markers or out of range colors. Pixel starts can be selected, along with lines, in the edit boxes above the data area.
Audio Meters -2 audio channel metering is supported. Meter types include dBFS, SMPTE RP-155, EBU R68. For more meters, like Loudness (US or EBU), and PPM with EBU or BBC markings, please see 4KScope.
Audio Phase - The audio phase meter shows the relative density of two audio channels and the relative loudness as a line moving towards the louder channel.
Audio Vector Lissajous - The audio phase meter shows the relative density of two audio channels and the relative loudness as a line moving towards the louder channel.
Audio Vector Lissajous XY - The audio phase meter shows the relative density of two audio channels and the relative loudness as a line moving towards the louder channel.
Audio Histogram Linear - The audio histogram displays a bar chart of the levels of the components of an audio signal.
Audio Histogram Linear Reverse Log - The audio histogram displays a bar chart of the levels of the components of an audio signal.
Audio Histogram Log - The audio histogram displays a bar chart of the levels of the components of an audio signal.
Waveform - The waveform displays the selected pair's audio as a standard wave.

The Picture view shows the video signal, to confirm the source is correct and to display time code location. Both picture safe and title safe graticules are optionally available. A number of display modes can be set using the Display Mode selector:

Luma - Show only the Y or brightness of the picture.
Red - Show only the red channel.
Green - Show only the green channel.
Blue - Show only the blue channel.
Zebra Luma - Draw zebra bars where the luma is too high or too low.
Zebra Chroma - Draw zebra bars where the chroma is out of range.
Clipping - Draw green anywhere the signal is too low, or red anywhere the signal is too high.
Edge Difference - Highlight every edge in the picture.
Focus Assist - Show areas of the image that are in focus.
Flip/Flop - Flip the picture horizontally or vertically.
False Color - Show each exposure level as a color.
Luma Key - Show the video luma keyed over a checkerboard or image.
Green Screen - Show the image green screen keyed over a checkerboard.
Green Screen Despill - Show the image green screen keyed with edge despilling over a checkerboard.
8 Bit Signal - 8 bit signal processing is supported, including detection of 8 bit signals in a 10 bit path (note the missing lines/bins).
10/12 Bit Signal - Smooth scopes on true 10 and 12 bit signals display every possible level in the signal, allowing finer analysis..
Raw and JPEG Capture - The incoming image can be captured as a raw (YUV, V210, RGB10) image in full, bit perfect image or a JPEG version for easy sharing. The entire scope's interface can also be captured.
Remote Desktop Access - You can also control and view using standard remote desktop tools to create a full featured monitor for your entire facility. This video tutorial gives an overview of setting up a remote system with an AJA U-TAP and KUMO series router.
Zoom and Pan - The waveform monitors and vectorscope zoom in for a closer look at low saturation signals, or the luma elements of the waveform. The live picture can also be zoomed in or out, and panned with the mouse. To zoom, roll the mouse wheel. To pan, click and drag. To reset to normal view, right click the mouse. Specific 1x, 2x and exact decimal zooms are also available in the config dialog.
Signal Compare - The signal compare feature can be used to freeze a complete frame of video (two fields in interlaced), every second line (field), or at a 50/50 dissolve to compare two signals or cameras. Once frozen, all the standard scopes are still available for setup and comparison. While a frame is frozen, the comparison mode and type of scope can be changed.
User Markers And Lines - Users can place plus sign markers (+) and lines on any of the scopes, that will persist to help make exact measurements between different signals.
Main Use Cases - HD monitoring and validating, SD/HD monitoring. live production, DIT pipelines, broadcast monitoring, remote network monitoring, post production, signal QC and final HD mastering.
Loudness and RMS Metering - All audio meters can be set for EBU9 or EBU18 loudness monitoring, as well as RMS/peak. The status window also supports loudness as a floating point value, and any excursions are automatically collected in the on disk error log.
Vertical Blank Analysis - Up to 32 lines of vertical blank can be analyzed along with the active picture. Any SMPTE DID/SDID packets found are highlighted in the HEX Data view.
Line Select - as well as full picture analysis, the scopes may be set to analyze a single line of the picture, to detect finer detail errors.
Time Code - Read multiple time code types simultaneously and display them in the lower third data area. RP-188 VITC and LTC, SMPTE LTC (analog), vertical blank encoded VITC and RP-215 film KLV time code are all supported..
Full Screen Mode - Double clicking on the interface will put 4kScope into full screen mode. This maximizes the space for the scopes and the picture, but maintains a time code info line at the bottom of the monitor.
Hardware and OS Support - ndiScope is available for Windows and macOS 13 Ventura - macOS 14 Sonoma. It is also available as a hardware device from our partner CineSys.
Wide Hardware Support - Capture boards supported include AJA, Bluefish444, Blackmagic (DeckLink, UltraScope, Cameras, DiskRecorders), Matrox, NewTek NDI®, INOGeni, Magewell, Logitech, Epiphan, Microsoft and many more.

90 Seconds With 4KScope (ndiScope provides a subset of these features)

Remote Desktop with 4KScope (ndiScope provides a subset of these features)

Video Inputs

(hardware dependent) 

  • NewTek NDI®
  • Desktop - view your desktop through scopes
  • With optional hardware:
    • Single Link SDI/HD-SDI 4:2:2 8/10 bit
    • Dual Link HD-SDI 4:4:4 10/12 bit
    • Dual Link HD-SDI 4:4:4:4 10 bit
    • Quad Link HD-SDI (Quad HD) 4:2:2 or 4:4:4 8/10/12 bit
    • 3G Dual Link (see dual link above)
    • 3G Dual Rate (see single link above)
    • HDMI (1.4 or 2.0+, hardware dependent)
    • CCIR-601 (SD), Rec 709 (HD)
    • Reference video sync (Blackburst or Tri-Level)
  • For 4K/UHD and HDR, please see our 4KScope/HDRScope
  • For SMPTE 2110/2022-6, please see our 2110Scope

Audio Inputs

(hardware dependent) 

  • NewTek NDI®
  • With optional hardware Embedded audio, 2 channels 24 bit
    • Analog audio, 2 channels 16/24 bit
    • AES/EBU audio, 2 channels 24 bit


  • Main output (computer monitor) from HD

Format Support

(hardware dependent)

  • 720P - 23 / 24 / 25 / 29 / 30 / 50 / 59 / 60
  • 1080i - 23 / 24 / 25 / 29 / 30
  • 1080PsF - 23 / 24 / 25 / 29 / 30
  • 1080P - 23 / 24 / 25 / 29 / 30 / 50 / 59 / 60

Processing Modes

  • YCbCr 8 bit 4:2:2
  • RGB(A) 8 bit 4:4:4:4
  • With optional hardware
    • YCbCr 10 bit 4:2:2 (standard single link)
    • RGB 10 bit 4:4:4:4
    • RGB 10 and 12 bit 4:4:4 (standard dual link or 3G)
    • Full active picture


(hardware dependent)

  • LTC/SMPTE analog time code and user bits
  • With optional hardware
    • VITC/D-VITC vertical blank time code and user bits
    • RP-188 HANC time code and user bits
    • RP-215 VANC time code, user bits, key code and ink code
    • Active Format Description detection
    • DID/SDID detection and highlighting

Recommended Hardware Environment

ndiScope can run on a variety of hardware, but for for real time performance on multiple scopes, here are some general guidelines:

- A recent Intel, AMD or NVIDIA with at least 1G memory card for the GPU
- A recent Quad Core i5/i7/AMD processor with at least 8G of RAM

Supported I/O  Hardware

Please note: if you need to work with greater than HD formats supported by some of the below hardware, see 4KScope for up to 4K formats, and HDRScope for up to 8K formats. At that point you would also need a more powerful system than recommended above.

  • AJA:  KONA LHe/plus, KONA LHi, KONA 3G, KONA 4, KONA IP, KONA 5, KONA HDMI, Io-XT, Io-4K, OEM2K, Corvid Series, U-TAP

  • Blackmagic (version 11/12 drivers required): UltraStudio, DeckLink, Intensity Pro, Intensity, Mini Recorder, UltraScope, HyperDeck, Ursa, BMPCC

  • Bluefish444:  Epoch Supernova, Epoch Neutron, KRONOS

  • Digitnow:  HDMI USB Capture

  • Elgato:  Game device capture devices

  • Epiphan:  AV.io HDMI/SDI/4K

  • Inogeni:  4K, 3G, DVI, VGA/CVBS

  • Logitech:  HDMI Screen Share

  • Magewell:  HDMI and SDI USB-3 devices

  • Microsoft:  USB Cameras

  • Mokose:  HDMI/SDI USB-3

  • NewTek:  NDI®

  • Rybozen:  HDMI USB Capture

  • UVC: Most (USB Video Class) compliant video devices

Download ndiScope 7.0

End User License Agreement:  International  Canadian

Available for Windows (7 or greater), or macOS (macOS 13 Ventura - macOS 14 Sonoma).

To ensure optimal hardware support, please make sure your drivers are up to date:

Blackmagic Design drivers (12.x)

AJA drivers (16.x) [UVC/U-Tap drivers are in OS]

Bluefish444 drivers (

Please check out a demo to confirm your workflow is supported. Once you are happy with ndiScope, delivery is effected via licensing.

ndiScope Manual

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Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, and Copyrights


Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, and Copyrights

AJA Video Systems, Inc. - AJA® is a registered trademark of AJA Video Systems, Inc. AJA™ is a trademark of AJA Video Systems, Inc. Corvid Ultra®, KONA®, IO®, KUMO®, U-Tap®, and T-Tap® are registered trademarks of AJA Video Systems, Inc.
Apple Inc. - Apple, the Apple logo, Final Cut, Final Cut Pro, Apple TV, iOS, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, iTunes, Mac, Mac OS X, macOS, Shake, Final Cut Pro, ProRes, High Sierra, Mojave, M1, M2, and QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. - DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Fusion, UltraStudio, DeckLink, Intensity Pro 4K, UltraScope, and RED are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.
Bluefish Technologies - Bluefish444, IngeSTore, Symmetry, Kronos, Epoch, Epoch:Neutron, Fury, Lust, Vengeance HD, Deepblue, Envy SD, and Epoch:SuperNova are trademarks of Bluefish Technologies
CineSys LLC – CineSys is a registered trademark of CineSys LLC.
DIGITNOW! - Digitnow is a trademark of DIGITNOW!
Drastic Technologies, Ltd. – trademarks specified here.
Epiphan - All Epiphan product names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epiphan
INOGENI Inc - INOGENI® is a Registered Trademark and TOGGLE is a Trademark of INOGENI Inc
Logitech International SA - LOGITECH is a trademark of Logitech International SA
Matrox Electronic Systems, Ltd - Matrox and Matrox product names are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of Matrox Electronic Systems, Ltd.
Microsoft Corporation – Microsoft: Windows®, Video For Windows (VFW), DirectShow, Microsoft, Skype, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Teams, Wave Mapper, Microsoft, Windows NT|2000|XP|XP Professional|Server 2003|Server 2008 |Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows 8, Media Player, Media Encoder, Windows Defender, Microsoft Office, .Net, Internet Explorer, SQL Server 2005|2008|2012|2014, Windows Media Technologies and Internet Explorer are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Nanjing Magewell Electronics Co. - MagewellTM , ULTRA STREAM® and (the MAGEWELL Logo) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nanjing Magewell Electronics Co.
NewTek, Inc. - NDI, TriCaster, 3Play, TalkShow, Video Toaster, LightWave 3D, and Broadcast Minds are registered trademarks of NewTek, Inc.
Shenzhen Yunlang Technology Co., Ltd. - MOKOSE is a trademark of Shenzhen Yunlang Technology Co., Ltd.
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers - SMPTE is a trademark of Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.
Zhang Haijun - RYBOZEN is a trademark of Zhang Haijun
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.



For more than two decades, Drastic™ has been developing cutting edge digital video solutions for television, post production and sports broadcasting, from real time web delivery to 8K broadcast.

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