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Drastic YCbCr Codec for Windows

LegacyDeprecated:  The Drastic Technologies YCbCr codec for QuickTime, Video For Windows (VFW/ICM) and DirectShow, allows third party applications to use files (AVI and MOV primarily) generated by VVW, Titan Series, QuickClip and MediaReactor.  Please note, this codec has been deprecated.  The new codecs are available as part of the MediaReactor Workstation.  The original codec with updated installers is still available here.

This YCbCr codec includes support for a wide variety of four'cc compression codes including:

  • I420, IYUV, YV12 – 4:2:0 8 Bit Planar
  • UYVY, YUY2, YVYU, YUNV, UYNV, cyuv, 2vuy – 8 Bit Interleaved 4:2:2
  • V422, P422 – 4:2:2 8 Bit Planar
  • v210, 012v – 4:2:2 10 Bit Interleaved

For translating between RGB(A) and YCbCr (also called YUV by some manufacturers), the Drastic codec provides a wide variety of transform matrices including CCIR 601, RP 709, SMPTE 240M, and SMPTE 274M. Each may use full scale (computer) translation or the more traditional video scale (sRGB/SMPTE) for translation. Separate matrices are available for encoding and decoding as well as HD and SD material for maximum flexibility.

Drastic's YCbCr codec has been deprecated, however to benefit from Drastic's new range of codec support please see the MediaReactor Workstation page.

If you still need the original YCbCr codec, it is still available here, with updated installers for Windows 7/8:  Legacy Drastic YCbCr Codec




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Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, and Copyrights

Drastic Technologies Ltd. - trademarks specified here.
Microsoft Corporation – Windows®, Video For Windows (VFW), and DirectShow are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers - SMPTE is a trademark of Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.





For more than three decades, Drastic™ has been developing cutting edge digital video solutions for television, post production and sports broadcasting, from real time web delivery to 8K broadcast.

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