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Animation And Single Frame Recording

dt logo 1.5inchNote: This area describes legacy products. Drastic VVW and Titan Series DDRs, QuickClip, MediaNXS and DrasticDDR software can be used to capture single or multiple frames into a sequence of still images which can be played back in real time immediately after recording. These still image files can be stored into individual, time based directories, or into a single directory.

Film Space Mode Recording

To record single images you can work in Drastic's ::Film Space mode. ::Film Space mode sets up a folder (possibly containing a series of subfolders) into which single frames may be recorded. Each subfolder is set up to contain a specific amount of frames, whose time code locations are pre-allocated. Where a new frame is recorded at the time code location of an existing frame, the existing frame is deleted. In this regard, the ::Film Space is a fully destructive mode, similar in workflow to tape or film, which can be "recorded over".

The ::Film Space can be set up in one of the following applications:

Setup Wizard - run the Setup Wizard and cycle through the screens until the screen which allows you to set up a new Film Space arises.

QuickClipXO interface menu File | Open | ::Film Space.

MediaNXS interface menu File | Open/New Film

QuickClip MDI Admin interface (legacy installations) menu File | Open | ::Film Space.

These choices typically open a browser which allows the user to select a location on their media storage for the Film Space folder. The user will need to give the folder a name and confirm these choices within each interface.

To enter the Film Space the user will select the ::Film clip from the Clip Bin. Next, to record a specific amount of frames, set an in point in the Edit section. Set an Out point in the Edit section or enter a Duration in the Edit section. When the frame is ready to record, press the Edit button. This will cause a record of the amount specified (out point not included). So to record a single frame at a time, set the Out point to one frame after the In point, then enter record mode.

Once the recording is complete, the In and Out points in the Edit section will be updated using the old Out point as a new In Point, and keeping the same duration. In this manner the user could begin recording another clip of the same duration, at the end of the frames just recorded, having the same duration.

The file structure of the ::Film Space directories looks like the following:






Time Lapse Single Frame Recording in MediaNXS

It is possible to set up single frame recording using MediaNXS HD or MediaNXS 4K. This is useful for time lapse recording applications, to allow the system to record one frame every x seconds, where x is the interval between frame grabs.

Select the Input tab and click on the Record button. Or, go to the main menus, under Operation | Input | Record. This reveals the Record section of the interface.

To capture one frame every x amount of seconds (as in a time lapse video application):

  • Enter a time code length into the Rec Interval field - this is how often the system will go into record.
  • If you want to stop the recording process after a certain amount of time has passed you can enter that amount into the Duration field and click the Use Duration checkbox. This might be handy if for example you know you only have two hours in the field you could enter 02:00:00:00 in the Duration field and click the Use Duration checkbox.
  • Press the Rec Interval button. The system will go into record and if the Use Duration checkbox has been selected, will stop after that amount of time has elapsed. Otherwise, you can press the Stop button to end the recording.

Keep in mind the system will indicate it is recording during the entire process but will actually only record a single frame, every x amount of time, until it is stopped.

Each recorded frame captured in this mode will be sequentially numbered and the series of frames will be available for playout as an unbroken stream.



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