
Tips, Tricks and Technical Information

Controlling videoQC

controllingvideoQC can be called by external applications with command line parameters, keyboard/mouse, cut/paste and via a full REST/HTML command set. If there is already an instance of the application running, the parameters will be transferred to the running instance, and the called one will exit.  This is especially useful where the workflow requires the system to display particular aspects of a clip in an automated fashion.

Command Line Parameters

videoQC -t <timecode> -c <framestart> -f -o -h -m -a -x <id> -v -d -p -g -b -s <source-filename> [filename]

filename   the file to play or compare
-t 01:00:00:00   Seek point in time code, based on the time code track in the file
-c 1800   Seek point in frames, based on the absolute position in the file
-f   Start in full screen mode
-F   Flags: timeconversion, compareconversion, comparewrap
-o   Disable time code overlay in full screen mode
-h   Disable hardware (AJA/Bluefish444/Blackmagic) output
-m   Do a file full reference comparison between this original and the -s file
-a   Do a file analysis against this original file and the -s file
-x <id>   Reserved for running under Net-X-Code
-v   Enable validation - validate a file against a profile
-d   Type to check for validation - IMF, DCP, XDCam, iTunes, etc.
-p   User validation profile name - "videoQC Demo"
-g   Target directory for files that pass validation - "E:\good files"
-b   Target directory for files that fail validation - "E:\bad files"
-s   Source file for validation/analysis - "E:\Record\Media\qc\bars1080\proxyfile.mp4
-i <srcfile> <trgfile>   Compare two file for basic 'sameness' (original and proxy, for example)


Do a quick parameter check between a converted file and its source:
    videoqc -v -s d:\source\orignal.mxf d:\record\proxy.mp4

Create a single ended analysis database, with video and audio analysis:
    videoqc -a d:\record\amberfin_0000572516.mxf

Create a full reference analysis database:
    videoqc -m -s d:\source\orignal.mxf d:\record\proxy.mp4

Compare basic information about two files
    videoqc -i d:\source\orignal.mxf d:\record\proxy.mp4

Opening From A Browser

videoQC can be opened via a web link on the user's machine.  The videoQC installer registers videoQC as a reg helper so you can use a link to open it up with a specific file:

  <html xmlns="">
    <title>Launch Custom URL </title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
       function LaunchURLScriptWeb(){ var url = "videoQC://D:/t3media/WIN/Folder/";;self.focus();}
  <body style= "background-color:#D7D7D7">
  <input type="submit" name="Launch" id="Launch" value="Launch Custom Web URL" onClick="LaunchURLScriptWeb()" />


Configuration Files 

For selected time code source, display page (metadata, time code, etc.), audio meter type, and other settings, they will be remembered between runs from the last selection.  To modify these settings programmatically, the registry (Windows) or prefs (macOS) must be changed.  The basic settings are:

Windows (registry)

macOS (~\Library\Preferences\)

Linux (~\.config\)


actionsafe    what overlays, if any, are shown on the video
filter   the default file filter
filtercc   the default closed caption file filter
fullscreen   set for full screen mode
loadpath   last path a file was loaded from
loadpathcc   last path a closed caption file was loaded from
metertype   which audio meter type is displayed
scopemode   which video scope is displayed, if any
sdoutersafe   show the SD action safe
sdsafe   show the SD title safe
show_mini   show the mini (basic) transport controls, instead of the full set
titlesafe   show HD title safe
viewmode   information panel to display
SDAspectRatio16by9   if 0 then 4:3
last_altaudiopath   last alternate loaded audio path
last_ccpath   last alternate loaded closed caption path
net_source   list of recent network a/v sources (RTP, HTTP, RTSP, SMPTE2110, tr01)
settings/Color Space   color space to use for 4K and greater playback (Rec 709, BT2020)
settings/Color Transfer   color transfer to use for 4K and greater playback (HD, 2084/HDR, HLG)


Keyboard/Clipboard Commands

videoQC has a full set of keyboard commands available.  Key press events can be sent to control playback like:

c = play
v = pause
b = reverse play
z = fast reverse
x = fast forward

<CTRL>+C = copy the current time code to the clipboard

<CTRL>+V = seek to the time code in the clipboard 

<CTRL>+l = step forward through interlaced files by field (2 steps = forward 1 frame)

<CTRL>+j = step back through interlaced files by field (2 steps = back 1 frame)

A full set of keyboard commands is available here:

videoQC Keyboard Layout PDF 

videoQC also supports using the system clipboard.  A cut/copy on the application (via keyboard or programmatically) will pull the current time code in a ##:##:##:## format.  Pasting a time code into the application will cause it to seek to that absolute (0 based) point in the file.  If the pasted buffer contains a file URL, then that file will be loaded into that application.

Mouse Control

videoQC also features extended mouse controls.  These include:

  • <MouseWheel> - zoom in and out
  • <LeftClick>Drag - pan and scan the video image in the app
  • <RightClick> - reset zoom to view all
  • <MiddleClick> - zoom 1:1
  • <CTRL><MouseWheel> - volume up and down (0..200%)
  • <CTRL><LeftClick> - volume to 100% (unity)
  • <CTRL><SHIFT><MouseWheel> - change background luminance
  • <LeftClick>Drag - pan and scan the video image in the app
  • <ALT><LeftClick> - view magnifying window
    • <LeftClick> - bring up color selector with color under cursor
    • <RightClick> - exit magnify mode
  • <DoubleLeftClick> - enter and exit full screen mode
  • <T> - enable or disable time code display in full screen

Making Marks and Guides


Making Marks/Guides (cross, line, rectangle, ellipse)

  • <SHIFT><LeftClick> - Make a point/cross
  • <SHIFT><ALT><LeftClick> - Undo last
  • <SHIFT><CTRL><LeftClick> - Drag to make a line
  • <SHIFT><CTRL><ALT><LeftClick> - Drag to make a box
  • <CTRL><ALT><LeftClick> - Drag to make an ellipse
  • <SHIFT><RightClick> - Clear all markers/guides

Launching videoQC from a Web/HTTP Address

videoQC supports running from a browser request when the client is running Windows.  The form the URL should take is videoqc:// followed by the (converted) path. 

The 'videoqc://" causes it to call videoQC, but only if the rest is a valid URL. File paths must be converted to work. You can change the encoding here

For instance, for a local file:


Using the URL converter produces a valid URL:


Prepending videoQC:// to that string produces the following URL:


This can also be a file existing on a network, http, s3, or supported IP stream like rtp://, udp:// or srt://.  For more details on streaming URLs, please see:

Streaming URLs in videoQC


videoQC supports a full set of control and status requests via a built in HTML REST/AJAX command set.  This powerful API allows full control over a videoQC instance from anywhere on your network.  Commands include:  transport control, time code and play status, audio metering, video preview retrieval and an optional full set of disk contents display and loading commands.  There is an HTML page sample included in the install that uses the most common commands and can be used as a  base for custom UIs.

videoQC HTML remote UI

The documentation for the REST API is available here:






Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, and Copyrights


Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, and Copyrights

AJA Video Systems, Inc. - AJA® is a registered trademark of AJA Video Systems, Inc. AJA™ is a trademark of AJA Video Systems, Inc. Corvid Ultra®, KONA®, IO®, U-Tap®, and T-Tap® are registered trademarks of AJA Video Systems, Inc.
Apple Inc. - Apple, the Apple logo, Final Cut, Final Cut Pro, Apple TV, iOS, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, iTunes, Mac, Mac OS X, macOS, Shake, Final Cut Pro, ProRes, High Sierra, Mojave, M1, M2, and QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. - DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Fusion, UltraStudio, DeckLink, Intensity Pro 4K, and UltraScope are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.
Bluefish Technologies - Bluefish444, IngeSTore, Symmetry, Kronos, Epoch, Epoch:Neutron, and Epoch:SuperNova are trademarks of Bluefish Technologies
Drastic Technologies, Ltd. – trademarks specified here.
Linus Torvalds - Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.
Microsoft Corporation – Microsoft: Windows®, Video For Windows (VFW), DirectShow, Microsoft, Skype, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Teams, Wave Mapper, Microsoft, Windows NT|2000|XP|XP Professional|Server 2003|Server 2008 |Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows 8, Media Player, Media Encoder, .Net, Internet Explorer, SQL Server 2005|2008|2012|2014, Windows Media Technologies and Internet Explorer are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers - SMPTE is a trademark of Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.






For more than three decades, Drastic™ has been developing cutting edge digital video solutions for television, post production and sports broadcasting, from real time web delivery to 8K broadcast.

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