
Tips, Tricks and Technical Information

ST-2110 - an Overview

ip streams111ST2110 is a family of standards for audio/video/data over IP format, that can clock to PTP and carry as many embedded essences as your network can handle. Drastic supports ST-2110 as an input for viewing and ingest, and as an output for distribution and delivery. This pages provides an overview of our ST-2110 related products, and offers information on ST-2110 in general.

If you are working in ST-2110, or considering ST-2110 adoption for your facility, or for a client, you will want to stay ahead of all the latest developments in this emerging technology. Following are some valuable manufacturers' resources for products and services that support 2110, as well as related industry associations, publications, and shows.

Drastic products that support ST-2110
2110 netxcode 2110 flowcaster 2110 flowcaster 2110 videoqc
Net-X-Code Server FlowCaster 2110Scope videoQC
Receive, ingest, and send Receive and send Receive for signal analysis Receive for viewing


Drastic Technologies supports ST-2110 in its Net-X-Code Server, FlowCaster, 2110Scope, and videoQC products. For implementation, please see the Supported Hardware page for the ST-2110 hardware we support.

  • Net-X-Code Server provides ingest and output of ST-2110, as well as transcoding to and from ST-2110.
  • FlowCaster remote collaboration software uses ST-2110 as an input source, and as an output type for review and delivery.
  • 2110Scope signal analysis software provides a ScopeDirect plugin that lets the user view their 2110 input through its waveform/vectorscope tools.
  • videoQC Pro software allows the user to view ST-2110 streams as a media player.

SMPTE Official Website

SMPTE maintains the standards. You can buy the technical papers.

smpte bug

SMPTE - (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) is the organization that maintains technical standards related to SMPTE 2110. Their official website is the best place for authoritative documentation on the standard, including white papers, webinars, and resources on the latest developments in the technology. SMPTE is a New York State Registered Charity #42-07-71

SMPTE has facebook, linkedin, and twitter accounts

SMPTE has a blog:

They maintain the Open Services for Media association.

ST-2110 is comprised of a number of related standards:

SMPTE ST 2110-10 — System Timing and Definitions
SMPTE ST 2110-20 — Uncompressed Active Video
SMPTE ST 2110-21 — specifying traffic shaping and delivery timing of the uncompressed video
SMPTE ST 2110-22 — allows the transport of Constant Bit-Rate Compressed Video
SMPTE RP 2110-23 — specifies how a single Video Essence (with high bitrate like UHD video) can be transported using multiple ST 2110-20 Streams
SMPTE RP 2110-24 — addresses special considerations for Standard Definition (SD) video in SMPTE ST 2110 systems
SMPTE RP 2110-25 — recommends nomenclature for measurements on SMPTE 2110 systems, together with their associated formulae
SMPTE ST 2110-30 — Professional Media Over Managed IP Networks: PCM Digital Audio
SMPTE ST 2110-31 — specifies the real-time, RTP-based transport of AES3 signals over IP networks, referenced to a network reference clock
SMPTE ST 2110-40 — maps ancillary data packets (as defined in SMPTE ST 291-1) into Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) packets that are transported via User Data Protocol/Internet Protocol (UDP/IP) and enables those packets to be moved synchronously with associated video and audio essence streams
SMPTE ST 2110-41 — defines a flexible RTP payload framework for data items. The framework can be used to transport data items which are tightly time-associated with video or audio RTP Streams, or those that are independent of any video or audio RTP streams.
SMPTE ST 2110-43 — adds support for Timed Text Markup Language for Captions and Subtitles to the SMPTE ST 2110 standards suite

Associations and Societies

To enable the development of interoperable devices, software, and technologies, key players in the industry have formed various associations and societies. These may be specific to one technology, or oversee a wide portfolio of technologies. Often these are formed to promote and assist the development of new or emerging standards. They offer technical resources, and encourage membership enquiries.

aes logo Audio Engineering Society - The Audio Engineering Society is the only professional society devoted exclusively to audio technology. Founded in the USA in 1948, the AES is now an international organization that unites audio engineers, creative artists, scientists and students by promoting the growth, knowledge, and appreciation of the science and art of audio, connecting people and ideas worldwide.
smpte bug

AIMS - AIMS is an industry consortium led by broadcast and ProAV engineers, technologists, visionaries, vendors and business executives dedicated to an open-standards approach that moves broadcast and media companies quickly and profitably from legacy systems to a virtualized, IP-based environment. They have videos, various resources.

amwa logo AMWA - The Advanced Media Workflow Association, Inc. focuses on the industry move to IP based architectures. To enable software based systems to recognize and exploit devices, the AMWA has developed the Networked Media Open Specifications (NMOS).
atsc logo ATSC: The Broadcast Standards Association is an international, non-profit organization developing voluntary standards for multimedia broadcasting. The ATSC member organizations represent the broadcast, broadcast equipment, motion picture, consumer electronics, computer, cable, satellite, and semiconductor industries.
dpp logo DPP - The Digital Production Partnership is an international association for media and technology. The DPP brings the industry together to address the technology and operational needs of media businesses. They believe openness, collaboration, and shared insight are key to success in a complex media environment.
iabm logo IABM - an international trade association for broadcast and media technology. IABM facilitates the all-important networking and interaction that shape and define the unique ecosystem of the Broadcast and Media technology industry. They provide an infrastructure of services and facilities to encourage discussion and collaboration across the whole BaM supply chain.
ieee logo BTS IEEE – The IEEE Broadcast Technology Society provides standards, technical documents, and articles on technology for video.
nmm logo111 New Media Manitoba - New Media Manitoba is the Sector Council for Information Communications and Digital Technologies and non-profit association serving Manitoba’s Interactive Digital Media (IDM) industry.
sbe logo

SBE - The Society of Broadcast Engineers
The Association for Broadcast and Multimedia Technology Professionals

From the studio operator to the maintenance engineer and the chief engineer to the vice president of engineering, SBE members come from commercial and non-commercial radio and television stations and cable facilities. A growing segment of members are engaging the industry on their own as consultants and contractors. Field and sales engineers and engineers from recording studios, schools, production houses, CCTV, corporate audio-visual departments and other facilities are also members of the SBE.
They offer webinars, events, certification, regulatory and legislative resources.

scte logo SCTE - SCTE is a professional association for the advancement of technology, standards and workforce education related to cable telecommunications engineering. Founded in 1969 as The Society of Cable Television Engineers, SCTE has a current membership of more than 19,000 individuals.
srt alliance logo SRT Alliance - was founded by Haivision to overcome the challenges of low-latency video streaming Fundamental to this mission is the support of a freely available open-source video transport protocol and technology stack called SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) that will accelerate innovation through collaborative development. It is called the SRT Open Source Project.
ultrahd forum logo The Ultra HD Forum - is an open forum composed of a broad range of participants from the movie and television ecosystem, including content creators, content distributors, consumer electronics manufacturers, professional equipment manufacturers and technology companies. By virtue of its diverse membership, the Ultra HD Forum will advocate an industry consensus around common technical standards, recognizing that some types of content or delivery may impose certain technical constraints.
via la logo Via Licensing Alliance - Via Licensing and MPEG LA have united to form the industry's largest patent pool administrator with dozens of IP licensing programs. The newly combined Via Licensing Alliance offers economies of scale that benefit the entire global ecosystem by streamlining IP distribution for innovators with broad portfolios, and implementors with diverse product offerings. -
vsf logo

Video Services Forum - The VSF is an international association comprised of service providers, users and manufacturers dedicated to interoperability, quality metrics and education for media networking technologies. They specifically maintain IPMX technical recommendations.

Manufacturer Websites and Documentation

Feel like a little casual reading? Need a product manual? Trying to spec some hardware?

Product manufacturers provide valuable documentation, webinars, and technical resources to help users implement SMPTE 2110 using their products. By exploring these resources, you can improve your understanding of who is selling what, and how their products might assist your adoption and integration of ST-2110.

aja blue AJA Video Systems - supplies a range of hardware products fully supported by Drastic. Drastic software can use their AJA Kona IP for ST-2110 I/O.
blackmagic design logo Blackmagic Design – provides a range of hardware supported by Drastic products. Check out their 2110 IP converter:
bluefish444 logo Bluefish444 - - provides a range of high quality hardware supported by Drastic. An an OEM, Bluefish444 also offers the Drastic codec pack to add format support to their solutions.
cisco logo Cisco - everything networking, especially switches and routers.
cobalt digital logo Cobalt Digital – They offer products for compressed and uncompressed ST-2110 conversion and processing -
deltacast logo Deltacast - they offer I/O cards, software, various other ST-2110 related stuff. Products for developers.
evertz logo Evertz – they offer hardware ST-2110 encoder/decoders and such.
for a logo For-A - they offer distribution as a service, a multiviewer, multichannel gateway, hardware switcher, graphics overlay software, 4 channel playout system for Studio/OB Van environments.
grassvalley logo sm Grass Valley -  they offer everything from camera ingest, through editing, to playout, a major industry player.
harmonic logo sm Harmonic -  they offer servers, encoders, broadband. Here is their blog:
matrox logo sm Matrox Graphics - Manufacturer - they offer ST-2110 boards we support, plus all sorts of other goodies. A Canadian company, long standing relationship with Drastic.
nevion logo Nevion – they offer ST-2110 Broadcasting and networking products
nividia logo new NVIDIA -  we support their Bluefield2/3 and Connect-X 6/7 plus Rivermax software license as our standard 2110 implementation. Drastic Technologies is an authorized Rivermax reseller.
pro av logo ProAV - – a major integrator and workflow solutions specialist - they have a blog:
ross video logo Ross Video - they make switchers, converters, other high quality hardware stuff.
sony logo Sony – they make everything from the camera to the servers to the delivery of content.
vitec logo VITEC - they offer digital signage solutions
vizrt logo Vizrt - has joined forces with Newtek, and now offer NDI technology in their solutions. They have a blog: - production, conversion, distribution products.
wheatstone logo Wheatstone - they make switchers and related video infrastructure products.

Trade Publications and Blogs

Magazines dedicated to the video and film industry often publish articles with a focus on production workflows and technologies. Astute readers can glean quite a bit of detail about what is being used to enable these workflows, since they are often a sales pitch.

wheatstone logo American Cinematographer – a society with a magazine, classes, other stuff related to film production.
animation magazine logo Animation Magazine – everything animation. Publishes articles on the technology used in current productions, and the people involved in producing animation.
broadcast beat logo Broadcast Beat – a magazine with a focus on animation, broadcast, and post production.
broadcast bridge logo

Broadcast Bridge - We create hundreds of original articles each year and publish them across web, email and social. Access is 100% free to our readers.

Our editorial team of industry expert writers dig deep into the most challenging and fascinating subjects facing our industry. We cover the whole media supply chain from acquisition, through production, all the way to delivery. Our content serves creatives, engineers and management, and examines the physical, asset and data workflows of the whole supply chain. We explore the business trends & data that drive demand.

deadline logo Deadline - everything about productions – who is hiring, what is shooting, where are the festivals and so on.
ebu logo

EBU Tech Site - They operate Eurovision and Euroradio. Their blog: 

Their website:

They host the EBU Media Summit

motion imaging journal

Motion Imaging Journal - from SMPTE. You can view the last several years’ worth of issues online if you like. 

The SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal is the key publication of the Society, providing peer-reviewed articles on topics in 3D, imaging processing etc.

post logo

Post Magazine – articles on all the latest productions. They have a blog. You can advertise.

productionweekly magazine logo Production Weekly - a premium subscription data service that delivers news and updates on film and television productions, allowing the creative community to market, network, plan sales campaigns.
sos logo Sound On Sound - Sound On Sound is known for its thorough and unbiased reviews of music technology products, such as audio interfaces, microphones, monitors and music software. It also features articles on recording techniques, music production and sound engineering, as well as insightful interviews with musicians, producers, and mix engineers.
streaming media logo Streaming Media magazine - provides IP Video related articles.
tvtech logo TV Technology - you can read the current magazine there. They are always happy to discuss your advertising needs.
videomaker magazine logo Videomaker magazine – publishes articles, offers educational and technical resources, buyer’s guides, news and reviews.

Industry Conferences and Trade Shows

ibc logo IBC Convention Amsterdam - Takes place September 12-15. Along with its comprehensive exhibition and conference coverage, IBC365 is the go-to platform for all developments within the M&E universe, delivering exclusive news, reports and thought leadership daily, with insight into the most pressing issues faced by broadcasters, content platforms, Big Tech and academia.
infocomm logo Infocomm - June 7-13 at the Orange County Convention Center - test the latest pro AV technologies, stay up to date on industry trends, and grow your professional network -
ise logo

Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) is the largest AV systems integration show in the world.

The organisation behind ISE – Integrated Systems Events LLC – is a joint venture between AVIXA and CEDIA, the two leading industry associations for the global audiovisual industry. It is very important to all of the organisational parties that ISE serves the industry in the best way it possibly can and that it remains strong, so that it can continue to support the industry – the companies and the people that populate it. If you have business to do in any of the many market segments that make up this dynamic industry, you’ll want to be part of ISE – either as an exhibitor or an attendee.

nabshow logo

NAB Show (National Association of Broadcasters) - this year’s show is April 5-9, 2025 in Las Vegas.

IP Showcase at NAB

world animation summit logo World Animation Summit - all things animation.

Other Technical Resources


`There have got to be dozens of subreddits dedicated to various aspects of production and broadcasting, and a quick search will likely turn up some valuable resources. Or post a question and see if someone can help. You can get started with:


First of all, you're going to want to hurry over to the Drastic YouTube page and check out our videos there.

Here is one such video for your viewing pleasure: SMPTE ST-2110 Professional Media Over Managed IP Networks.

The search function in YouTube can also be used to produce an exhaustive list of available resources.








Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, and Copyrights


Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, and Copyrights

Drastic Technologies, Ltd. – trademarks specified here.
AES Audio Engineering Society - AES and Audio Engineering Society are trademarks of the Audio Engineering Society
AIMS Alliance - The AIMS Alliance is a trademark of Alliance for IP Media Solutions (AIMS).
AJA Video Systems, Inc. - AJA® is a registered trademark of AJA Video Systems, Inc. AJA™ is a trademark of AJA Video Systems, Inc. Corvid Ultra®, KONA®, IO®, KUMO®, U-Tap®, and T-Tap® are registered trademarks of AJA Video Systems, Inc.
American Cinematographer - The ASC, American Cinematographer and Friends of the ASC are trademarks of the American Society of Cinematographers. (All rights reserved)
AMWA Advanced Media Workflow Association, Inc. - Copyright © 2025 AMWA – Advanced Media Workflow Association. All rights reserved.
Animation Magazine - © 2025 Animation Magazine. All Rights Reserved. The Business, Technology & Art Of Animation And VFX
ATSC: The Broadcast Standards Association - © 2025 ATSC Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc.
Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. - DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Fusion, UltraStudio, DeckLink, Intensity Pro 4K, UltraScope, and RED are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.
Bluefish Technologies - Bluefish444, IngeSTore, Symmetry, Kronos, Epoch, Epoch:Neutron, Fury, Lust, Vengeance HD, Deepblue, Envy SD, and Epoch:SuperNova are trademarks of Bluefish Technologies
Broadcast Beat - © 2025 Relevant Media Properties, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Cisco Systems, Inc. - Cisco, and Webex are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cobalt Digital - Cobalt Digital is a registered trademark of Cobalt Digital Inc.
Deadline - Deadline is a part of Penske Media Corporation. © 2025 Deadline Hollywood, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Deltacast - © Copyright 2024 DELTACAST. All rights reserved
DPP - The Digital Production Partnership - DPP is a registered trademark | Digital Production Partnership © 2025
EBU - Copyright EBU 2025. All rights reserved.
Evertz Technologies Limited - Evertz is a registered trademark of Evertz Technologies Limited
For-A - For-A is a registered trademark of FOR-A COMPANY LIMITED, Copyright © FOR-A Company Limited.
Google LLC – YouTube, Google, Google Cloud,, and Android are registered trademarks of Google LLC
Grass Valley USA, LLC - Grass Valley®, GV®, the Grass Valley logo, and EDIUS® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Grass Valley USA, LLC, or its affiliated companies in the United States and other jurisdictions.
Harmonic - Harmonic is a registered trademark of Harmonic Inc.
IABM - © 2025 IABM IABM is company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No: 5262009. Registered Office: IABM, 5 Deansway, Worcester, WR1 2JG
IBC - IBC (International Broadcasting Convention) is owned and run by the IBC Partnership, comprising six industry bodies: IEEE, IET, IABM, SCTE, SMPTE, and RTS.
IEEE - IEEE Broadcast Technology Society - The IEEE emblem is a trademark owned by the IEEE for the purpose of indicating membership in the IEEE.
Infocomm - InfoComm, AVIXA and associated logos are a trademark or registered trademark of AVIXA
Matrox Electronic Systems, Ltd - Matrox and Matrox product names are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of Matrox Electronic Systems, Ltd.
NAB - NABShow and NAB © 2025 National Association of Broadcasters
New Media Manitoba - Copyright © 2025 New Media Manitoba
Nevion - copyright NEVION - All rights reserved. Nevion @ 2023
NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, NVIDIA Quadro, Rivermax, BlueField2, PhysX, and NVIDIA RTX are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries
Post Magazine - © Copyright 2024 Post Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
ProAV - PRO AV SYSTEMS is a trademark of Pro AV Systems, Inc
Production Weekly - Copyright © 2015-2025 Production Weekly
Reddit - Reddit's trademarks and other brand assets are owned by Reddit.
Ross Video - ©2022 Ross Video Limited, Ross®, MiniME™, and any related marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Ross Video Limited
Society of Broadcast Engineers - Copyright, Society of Broadcast Engineers Chapter One, all rights reserved. The SBE logo is used by permission of the Society of. Broadcast Engineers.
Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) - ©2025 Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers, Inc. is a subsidiary of CableLabs. All rights reserved.
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers - Motion Imaging Journal and SMPTE are trademarks of Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.
Sony Corporation – Sony, Sony DVD Architect, DVD, Catalyst, and Vegas are trademarks of Sony Corporation and/or its affiliates.
Sound On Sound - copyright © SOS Publications Group and/or its licensors, 1985-2025. All rights reserved.
SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) - SRT, developed by Harvision, is a royalty free, open source protocol
Streaming Media - Copyright © 2009 - 2025 Streaming Media Magazine
TV Technology - TV Tech is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. © Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036.
ViaLA - Via Licensing®, ViaSecure® and the Via logo are registered service marks, and any other Via Licensing names, titles or logos are trademarks or service marks, in each case, of Via Licensing Corporation, and are protected by law.
Video Services Forum - ©2024 Video Services Forum
Videomaker - © Videomaker Inc., 1986 - 2025
VITEC - Names and logos identifying products of VITEC are registered trademarks or trademarks of VITEC respectively
Vizrt - VIZRT is a trademark of VIZRT AG.
Wheatstone - ® Wheatstone, Audioarts, and VoxPro are registered trademarks and Wheatstone Layers is a trademark of Wheatstone Corporation
World Animation Summit - © 2025 Animation Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners








For more than three decades, Drastic™ has been developing cutting edge digital video solutions for television, post production and sports broadcasting, from real time web delivery to 8K broadcast.

We offer standalone software for the end user or enterprise, integrated solutions for automated workflows, and OEM tools for custom applications or branded devices.

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