
Tips, Tricks and Technical Information

Drastic EDL Format

Drastic EDLThe Drastic Edit Decision List (EDL) format uses the same basic layout as a CMX, GVG or Sony 91xx series EDL. The main differences are the 'Type:' header, and the file name in the comment. The comment is broken up into two sections: The initial comment after the ';' and a file name after a second ';'. This page describes the exact format used.

For each edit:


Type: DrasticVVWList (This has to be here)
';': Comments (Indicates comments)
TITLE: The title of the list (Text title)
REM FORMAT: generic (EDL subtype)
FCM: DROP FRAME (Default time code type)

Line 1:

Edit Number: 000 (Edit count from zero)
Reel Name: 'reel' (this is often numeric)
Edit: VAA (This can be V, AA, or individual channels A1A2A4)
Transition: C (or D with time, W with type and time)
File In Point: 00:00:00:00 (Start time in source file)
File Out Point: 00:00:30:00 (End time in source file, not inclusive)
Time line/rec in: 00:01:01:00 (Start time in record or timeline target)
Time line/rec out: 01:01:30:00 (End time out record or timeline target, not inclusive)

Line 2:

Comment: Any text except the ';' which indicates the file name start
File Name: Points to the source file name

Here is an example EDL

Type: DrasticVVWList
; Example Line Pair (remove semicolon comments at start if copying)
; 000 reel VAA C 00:00:00:00 00:00:30:00 00:01:01:00 01:01:30:00
; This is a comment ; C:\Share\ClipNameFile.avi
; Edit Number, Reel ID, Edit Presets, File/Edit In Point, File/Edit Out Point, Record/Run In Point, Record/Run Out Point
; Comment may be anything but must not contain semicolons, ClipFileName must point to a valid media file.
TITLE: noname
REM Format: generic (CMX Like)
REM Record times are drop
REM system time code flags must be set to drop

000 000 VAA C 00:00:00;00 00:00:08;20 01:00:00;00 01:00:08;20
; set to drop set to drop ; E:\Media\TestSequences\src14_ref__525.yuv
001 000 V1A1A2 C 00:00:00;00 00:00:08;20 01:00:08;20 01:00:17;10
; yuvyuv ; E:\Media\TestSequences\src15_ref__525.yuv
002 001 A1A2A3A4A4A6A7A8 C 00:00:00:00 00:03:51:00 01:00:09:00 01:04:00:00
; This is the main surround audio tracks ; E:\Audio\MoreTracks.A12.wav
003 020 V C 00:01:00:00 00:03:00:00 01:01:00:00 01:04:00:00



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