
Tips, Tricks and Technical Information

Web Server Setup for DrasticDDR

legacy DDR tips(Note: this article provides details on legacy products, which are not offered for sale and may no longer exist) All Drastic server digital disk recorder (DDR) products have a built in web server for local use. If you have a VVW Series, Titan Series, ClipRecorder, or IngestGate server, or the Network Control option for QuickClip version 3.x, then you can also use this web server from any network attached machine.

Basic Setup


  • Address:  Filled in by web server
  • Name:  Filled in by web server
  • HTTPPort:  The TCP/IP port for the server to use. Normally it is 80, but it can be changed to 81, 1080 or another open port. If you do change it you will have to use the command line http://localhost:81 to access it.
  • Installed:  An internal record of the installed version
  • Port:  The direct MediaCmd access port. Separate from the web server, but used by Java and third party clients. Normally 1234.

Virtual Directory Setup

The web server supports virtual directories and user/password protection for those directories. Normally the root directory is set to public, but limited in what it can do. Any HTML files that control or set up the system are normally in a user/password protected directory. By default, three areas are set up:
/ (root) – Public
/user/ – User:user, Password:<see docs>
/admin/ – User:admin, Password:<see docs>
Each of these virtual directories are set up in the registry under NetServer\~HttpDirs in the standard VVW directory. They use the same set of settings to configure them. More virtual directories may be added by creating a new key under the HttpDirs key, and adding at least a 'path' and 'alias' entry. All other entries are optional.

\VVW\NetServer\HttpDirs     C:\Share\Inetpub\

  • AllowDirListing:  If set to 1, then remote clients can get raw file listings from the server. Default is 0.
  • AllowScripts:  Allow external scripts and plug ins. This does not include client side scripts like JavaScript or Java. Default is 0.
  • DefaultFile:  The default name to look for in a directory. For the public root directory it is index.html. For other directories, there is no default.
  • UserName:  The name of the user able to access this directory. If it is empty, then the directory is public. Default is:  | Password | for password.
  • Path:  The physical path on the disk for the virtual directory. Default is C:\Share\Inetpub\
  • Writable:  If set to 1, then user who can access this directory can also write to it (HTTP PUT). Default is 0

(see settings above)
(see settings above)

Remote AJAX File Access Setup

The web server also supports AJAX, as outlined in Drastic Http Commands. These include commands which can be used to retrieve file and directory structures from selected disk or network resources. These resources are exported based on the entries under:
\VVW\Net Server?\File Dirs?

To export a directory you need to add the virtual name (the name the remote user will see) and the actual path (on the server itself). These are added as the name of and the contents of a string value:

LocalE = 'E:\'
NetworkMedia = 'M:\'
RecordDir = 'V:\Record\'

The base directories the remote user will see, will be


Clicking on these will list the files and directories in the physical directories they are pointing at.




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