
Tips, Tricks and Technical Information

RS-422 Splitter Cable

rs422 chipWhen working with RS-422 protocols (Sony 422, Odetics, Pioneer, VDCP, etc) it is often useful to directly monitor the incoming, return or both serial streams.  This is a cable that can be built to use two RS-422 ports to monitor one or both streams. 


RS422C Pin


Passthrough Pin

Split CMD

Split RTN

1 Frame Ground 1 1 1
2 TD A -, Receive A Minus 2 N/C 8
3 RD B +, Transmit B Plus 3 7 N/C
4 Transmit Common 4 N/C N/C
5 N/C N/C N/C N/C
6 Receive Common 6 N/C N/C
7 TD B +, Receive B Plus 7 N/C 3
8 RD A -, Transmit A Minus 8 2 N/C
9 Frame Ground 9 9 9

RS-422 Splitter Wiring


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Iteris, Inc. - Odetics is a registered trademark of Iteris, Inc.
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