
Tips, Tricks and Technical Information

Running Net-X-Code (no server)

Net-X-CodeNet-X-Code is normally run on a server, where the parts of Net-X-Code run automatically as services. For some applications, only part of Net-X-Code needs to be run, or it only needs to be run some of the time. This article explains how to set up Net-X-Code server on Windows so that its parts can be run manually.


Net-X-Code Setup

If you are setting up to only use part of the Net-X-Code system, you do not need to install the UwAmp/Apache/PHP/mySQL portions (unless you would like to). You can just install the Net-X-Code installer, and use its built in server at port 1080 when you run it. This means some features, like listing MP4 files on disk, will not work, but most of the major features will.

Once Net-X-Code is installed, you will want to stop the services from running automatically.  In the Control Panel, bring up the Services window:


The two startup services for Net-X-Code are Net-X-Base and Net-X-Cmd.  Right click on each, and select the Properties menu item.  This will bring up the Properties dialog, where you can change the Startup Type from Automatic to Manual.  Do this for both services.


This will stop Net-X-Base, Net-X-Cmd, Net-X-SDI and other services from automatically running on your machine at startup. 

Service Config and Privileges

When running Net-X-Cmd/Net-X-Base as a service, there are two scenarios:

1. Run as a service with 'Allow Interaction with Desktop' enabled (the default)

2. Run as a specific user, to allow for that user's configuration and access rights (recommended)

If you are running as a user, that user must have administration rights on the local server.  To set up a user, go to the Service's app and right click on Net-X-Cmd (and later Net-X-Base) and select Properties.  Click on the Log On tab, and enter your user's name and password here.

NetXCmd Service User

If your Net-X-Code is running as a service, without specifying a user, then the configuration in Windows will be kept under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the registry, as opposed to HKEY_CURRENT_USER. If you have specific setups, like server grouping, the settings need to be moved from current user to local machine before running.

Running From Desktop

If you are running manually, you will want to see the graphical user interface as well (this is normally hidden when running as a service). To enable it, run RegEdit.exe from the Run box or command prompt.  Follow the tree on the left to:




In each add or modify the "forcegui" string (REG_SZ) to "1".  This will cause the GUIs to show, making it easier to start and stop them.

Using Net-X-Code

Without the startup, you will need to run the components from the startup menu or from the install directory. To get the system running, you need to run Net-X-Base and Net-X-Cmd, in that order:

NetXBase.exe - Net-X-Code Master Control

NetXCmd.exe - Net-X-Code Daemon

The Net-X-Cmd will automatically run Net-X-SDI for you.  Once these three programs are up, you can point a browser at

and you will get the standard web interface up.



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